Gastric Sleeve: a reduction of the gastric volume
Gastric Sleeve surgery is a reduction of the gastric volume removing approximately 80% of the stomach.
The remaining stomach forms a tube or sleeve. You will feel full faster and have a decreased desire for food.
This surgery is attributed to the weight loss due to the restriction of the stomach to receive food but also to the reduction of ghrelin (hormone that causes the appetite). The latter is because the part of the stomach that is removed contains the vast majority of the cells that produce this hormone.
The procedure is performed by laparoscopy or minimally invasive assisted video surgery.

Who can have this type of surgery?
- Persons with a body mass index of 30 kg / m2 with Diabetes, Hypertension.
- People with complications caused by their own obesity (diabetes, hypertension, etc.)
- Individuals with a body mass index of 40 kg / m2 and failure in repeated attempts to lose weight with other non-surgical methods.
- People with dysfunctional or failed gastric band or with gastric sleeve and with incomplete weight loss.
Is weight loss surgery the right solution for all people?
- Recent studies have shown that weight loss and control of comorbidities have resulted in a greater acceptance of laparoscopic bariatric surgery not only for super-obese patients but also obese patients with a lower BMI. The simplicity of the procedure, lasting weight loss, and a handful of postoperative dietary restrictions are the reasons why laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is gaining scientific acceptance and now represents a surgical option for the treatment of obesity and comorbidities that obesity entails.
Do you need a special diet before surgery?
- You may need to follow a very low-calorie diet for several weeks before surgery. This will help you lose some weight before surgery. create healthy nutrition and activity habits.
How much weight is lost?
- Surgery has a high success rate in weight loss (70-80% of excess weight).
What do I need to know about before my sugery (LSG)?
- You will need to take vitamins and have your progress checked.
- If you have diabetes, your medicine needs may change after surgery. This depends on the medicine you take and what type of Diabetes you have. Do not change your diabetes medicine unless your doctor tells you to do it.
- You have to monitor your blood sugar and blood pressure so the doctor can have an idea how you are doing and reduce the medicine if it is necessary.
- If you have thyroid problems you have to monitor your TSH levels and the doctor will decide to make medicine changes if needed.
You are a woman in the reproductive stage?
It is important that you do not get pregnant for 12 to 18 months after surgery. It often occurs that women get pregnant after these surgeries because obesity can cause infertility. You will stop losing weight and have to be monitored because of the change of nutrients for your safety and your baby’s safety. If you want to prevent pregnancy, you have to check other options than birth control pills, because you will not be able to absorb them fully after surgery.
What do I need to do before surgery ?
You are going to have special indications like:
- Do not eat or drink anything after midnight on the day of the surgery.
- You need to tell the Dr. what medicines are you taking and he or she will tell you what to do.
- Very important to mention allergies, including to anesthesia or antibiotics.
- You are going to have a blood check up, electrocardiogram to check your heart and a pre op check up with internal medicine Dr.
What happens during surgery?
- You will be given general anesthesia to keep you asleep and free from pain during surgery.
- Your surgeon will make 4 to 6 small incisions in your abdomen. and will insert camera and laparoscopic instruments
- The surgeon will fill your abdomen with gas in order to see your stomach clearly.
- Will remove about 75% of your stomach.
- The sleeve will be secure with sterile staples
- The surgeon will check for any leaks
- A drain may be placed near the sleeve to remove extra blood or fluid
- The incisions will be closed with stitches.
What happens after surgery?
- After surgery you will have IV medicines for nausea, pain and to prevent infection. You will need to walk to avoid blood clots. Next day you will have a contrast swallow to check for leaks in the stomach. The drain will be removed the next day when it stops draining blood or fluid. You will have ice, clear liquids.
- You may bleed more than expected, nauseas, vomiting, heartburn, pain, You may not lose as much weight as you want or you may gain weight.
- You may develop a life-threatening blood clot.
- You may have a leak that needs to reoperate to avoid infections orabscess.
Please if you have any question feel free to contact us