Bariatric and Plastic Surgeons

Tijuana Medical Tourism

Monday to Friday | Saturday
9:00AM -7:00PM | 9:00AM – 2:00PM

RNY Gastric Bypass

RNY laparoscopic bypass, or Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, is a laparoscopic weight loss surgery. This means through small incisions in the abdomen. It is the most common bariatric surgery in the United States.

The surgeon creates a small pouch from the top of the stomach during the procedure. Then, it connects it directly to the small intestine. This bypasses most of the stomach. And the first part of the small intestine. This is where most of the calories and nutrients are absorbed.

  • RNY laparoscopic bypass is a very effective weight loss surgery. Patients typically lose about 60-70% of their excess weight. This is within the first two years after surgery. It can also help to improve or eliminate many weight-related health problems. Such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea.
  • However, RNY laparoscopic bypass is a major surgery. There are risks related with it. Examples are bleeding, infection, and blood clots. There is also a small risk of long-term complications. Examples are nutritional deficiencies and kidney stones.

RNY laparoscopic bypass is typically considered for people who are severely obese. And have not been able to lose weight with diet and exercise alone. Suitability includes:

  • 18 years of age or older.
  • Have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher. Or a BMI of 35 or higher with serious weight-related health problems.
  • Tried to lose weight with diet and exercise alone for at least six months. No success.

After the bypass, you must follow a strict diet and exercise plan. This will help you lose weight and maintain your new weight loss. You will also need to take vitamins and supplements to prevent nutritional deficiencies.

Most people can return home within a few days of surgery. However, fully recovering from surgery may take several weeks or even months. It may take time to return to your normal activities.

This is a very effective weight loss surgery. It is for people who are severely obese. And have not been able to lose weight with diet and exercise alone. Talk to your doctor. It is important for you to weigh the risks and benefits of surgery. Ask for a free consultation today!

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