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Gastric Sleeve Procedure

Gastric Sleeve is also known as sleeve gastrectomy. It is a type of Bariatric that includes procedures to help obese people achieve significant and sustained weight loss. Is a bariatric surgery where about 80% of the stomach is removed, leaving a smaller, tube-like stomach that restricts food intake and reduces hunger.

Gastric Sleeve procedure

How does it work?

The removes about 75-85% of the stomach. This leaves behind a banana-shaped sleeve. It reduces stomach size and restricts the amount of food you can eat. You achieve weight loss because you eat less.

Who might consider it?

  • Adults with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or greater (extremely obese).
  • Adults with a BMI of 35-39.9 (morbidly obese) with severe obesity-related health   conditions.
  • People who have yet to achieve sustainable weight loss with other methods.

What are some important concerns?

Gastric Sleeve is not a magic bullet. It requires you to commit to significant lifestyle changes. This includes healthy eating and better exercise habits. These changes are important for long-term success.

As with any surgery, there are risks and drawbacks. Some of these are infection, bleeding, and leaks. The procedure is also non-reversible; it changes your digestive system permanently.

Again, it requires careful thought and dialogue with your health specialists. Talk with a qualified surgeon. You must thoroughly be assessed to determine if Gastric Sleeve is the right choice for you. Consider your circumstances, including health conditions and weight loss goals. And whether you are committed to making lifestyle changes.

Gastric Sleeve is also known as sleeve gastrectomy. It is a type of Bariatric that includes procedures to help obese people achieve significant and sustained weight loss.

What are the benefits?

Studies show an average weight loss of 60-70% of excess weight within 1-2 years. It can improve your health. It can help resolve type 2 diabetes, sleep, apnea, high blood pressure, and other obesity-related conditions.

It can also achieve long-term results. Compared to other weight loss surgeries, a Gastric Sleeve is a simpler procedure. It has fewer long-term complications.

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Our Bariatric Specialist, MediHealth Mexico
Our Bariatric Specialist, MediHealth Mexico

Benefits of gastric sleeve

The benefits of gastric sleeve surgery extend beyond weight loss. It can benefit your overall health. These are some key benefits.

1. Significant Weight Loss. It has been proven to be an effective weight loss procedure. People can lose substantial excess weight within the first year of surgery. This leads to improved overall health. And a reduced risk of obesity-related conditions.

2.  Improved Metabolic Health. It can help improve or resolve obesity-related health conditions. Examples are type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure. And sleep apnea as well as high cholesterol. Weight loss resulting from the surgery can lead to better blood sugar control. Other benefits include lower blood pressure and improved lipid profile.

3. Enhanced Quality of Life. Losing excess weight can improve physical mobility. It can increase energy levels and enhance self-esteem and body image. These factors contribute to an overall better quality of life.

4. Obesity health challenges can improve with gastric sleeve surgery. Examples are heart disease and stroke. And certain cancers, joint problems, and infertility.

Candidates for gastric sleeve surgery

Good candidates for gastric sleeve surgery include people who:

  • Have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher (severe obesity). Or a BMI of 35-39.9 (obesity) with obesity-related health issues.
  • Have tried to lose weight through diet and exercise without long-term success.
  • Are committed to making permanent lifestyle changes. This includes adopting a healthy diet. And engaging in regular physical activity.
  • Are free from any medical conditions. These could make surgery very risky.

Please note that gastric sleeve surgery is a major procedure. Ask for a free consultation with a qualified healthcare professional.